Monday, July 15, 2024


Sometimes, To Find Yourself, You Have to Lose Yourself First 

Have you ever pondered the notion that to really _find_ yourself, you might have to lose yourself first? It's a concept that can seem as daunting as the very quests of heroes and heroines from the tales we cherish. Envision mountains to be scaled, treacherous swamps to navigate and endless deserts to cross. Think of the perils they face — dangerous animals, deceiving quicksand, labyrinths of the mind and storms that challenge their very essence. And, oh, the unforeseen obstacles that lurk in the shadows of their journey!

In my own life, I've had to embrace a similar adventure, embarking on a journey without a clear map, confronting self-doubt and the occasional lack of self-worth — these were but a few of my own "swamps" and "mountains."

**Investing Time and Money: The Mountain That Demands Climbing**

Setting out on this journey, the first bold step was channelling my hard-earned resources into the abyss of the unknown. It's a mountain that's sheer and demanding, and one that doesn't promise a picturesque view at the summit. Time is a currency that we can't earn back, and money, well, it could flutter away like leaves in the wind. Despite these risks, I marched forward, knowing that growth doesn't come from standing still.

**Journey Without a Roadmap: Navigating the Swamps**

Oh, for a roadmap to guide us through life's swampy terrains! But alas, our paths are not always charted. Venturing into the network marketing forest, I often felt like I was slogging through a swamp, murky waters obscuring the solid ground beneath my feet. The challenge? To follow the North Star of my intuition when the GPS of certainty was nowhere to be found.

**Self-Doubt: The Quicksand Always Ready to Engulf**

Self-doubt, my friends, is like the quicksand that can swallow you whole if you're not wary. It pulls you down silently, and the more you struggle against it, the deeper you sink. The trick? To still the mind and slowly navigate out of its grip by focusing on the knowledge that you're more capable than you believe.

**Lack of Self-Worth: The Labyrinth That Confounds**

And then, there's the labyrinth of self-worth. Twisting and turning, every dead-end reflects the refrains of "not good enough," "not smart enough," "not... anything enough." Traversing this maze requires patience and a steadfast belief in one's inherent value. Light always shines through the cracks, if only we keep moving forward.

**Now, Over to You...**

I've bared my soul, and now I invite you to do the same. What have been your "swamps," your "mountains," your "labyrinths"? How have you navigated the storms of uncertainty and the deserts of doubt? Do you have a tale of a particular challenge that tested your mettle?

Remember, every hero's journey is unique and worthy of celebration. By sharing, we learn from one another and reinforce the notion that we're not treading these paths alone.

Let us draw strength from our collective experiences and keep stepping forward, one foot in front of the other, into the adventures that await us.

What are the landscapes of your personal quest? The storms you've weathered, the deserts you've braved? Share your story in the comments, and let's marvel at our collective courage.

Beate Maria Sommer
mob. 0408247965